Sunday, 19 June 2016

Grade 5/6 Term 2 Week 9 & 10

Grade 5/6 Term 2 Week 9 & 10


Learning and Teaching

READING: Students have been completing independent activities for their novels. They have been developing higher order thinking questions for their texts.

WRITING: This week, the students have been reflecting on their learning for this semester. They have looked at English, Mathematics and Personal achievements and goals. They have published these ready to share with their parents.

MATHS: Our focus has been on revising multiplication and using mental and written strategies for problem solving. 

INQUIRY: We have continued to work on our 'Precious Planet' unit of work. The students chose their own big question to investigate. They also chose their groups to work in. This has been an informative and exciting unit of work for the students with many choosing to do extra work at home. Well done.

Achievement Awards:
56 R: Eliza - for knowing the process of how a law is made
56 L: Alex - for designing a worded problem involving a range of operations
56 S: Tanner - for always completing work to a high standard
                                          Our 'Precious Planet' Investigation

Our 5/6 students participated in a fantastic workshop on Cyber-bullying run by 'Project Rockit.' The students are looking forward to the second workshop in Term 3!

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Grade 5/6 Term 2 Week 7&8

Grade 5/6 Term 2 Week 7 & 8


Learning and Teaching

READINGStudents have been completing independent activities for their novels. They have been developing higher order thinking questions for their texts.

WRITING: This week, the students have been reflecting on their Canberra camp experience through writing recounts from their favourite camp activity, designing flyers with facts and creating comic strips. They have also been revising and publishing their edited pieces of writing on the laptops.

MATHS: Our focus has been on multiplication and using mental and written strategies for problem solving. 

INQUIRY: We have begun our new earth and space science unit this week. Ivan from 'Scientists in Schools' has provided a fantastic introduction to space science. 

Photos from 5/6 Camp to Canberra


 Old Parliament House- The Senate

National Capital Exhibition