There are icy poles on sale to raise money for the Grade 6 Graduation each Tuesday at lunchtime.
Message for Grade 6 Parents
If there are parents who would like to be involved in the planning committee for the graduation, please contact Julie Challinor via mobile or email:mobile: 0425 764 425
Learning and Teaching
READING: The students have been revising all of the reading strategies and select appropriate strategies to deepen their understanding of the text.
WRITING: The writing focus has been on the structure and features of a narrative. Students have been achieving their writing goals through the weekly 'Big Write.'They have also enjoyed using VCOP games to improve their vocabulary.
MATHS: We have continued the maths unit 'Fractions, Decimals and Percentages.' Students have been becoming increasingly confident with ordering, converting and placing all elements on a number line.
INQUIRY: And they're off! The groups have shown determination, organisation and enthusiasm with their inquiry projects. Each group has been incorporating ICT, using programs and apps such as iMovie, Canva, Book Creator, Piktochart and Prezi.
Achievement Awards
Alannah- For her incredible Big Write.
Bill- For his inspiring and thought provoking piece of writing.
5/6LOlivia- For demonstrating excellence in our maths unit of fractions, decimals and percentages.
Bill- For his inspiring and thought provoking piece of writing.
5/6LOlivia- For demonstrating excellence in our maths unit of fractions, decimals and percentages.
Amy- For her positive attitude during spelling tasks. What a champion!
Harley- For using WOW words during a Big Write session.
Production Practice and Set Design