Senior Report - Term 4, Weeks 8-10
As the end of the year draws near, we find ourselves busier than ever leading and preparing the school for many exciting events. Our Grade 6 students are splitting their time between being leaders of MPPS and celebrating their time here, whilst also attending orientations for their Secondary schooling. Our Grade 5 students are busily preparing themselves for leadership opportunities next year and helping setup for the Carols Night and classroom changes next year.
In amongst all of this, we are still managing to complete the following:
- Compile our own newspapers
- Budget for weekly groceries
- Review books through various reading strategies
- Explore the geography of a foreign country and compare it to Australia
In amongst all of this, we are still managing to complete the following:
- Compile our own newspapers
- Budget for weekly groceries
- Review books through various reading strategies
- Explore the geography of a foreign country and compare it to Australia
Team Building Incursion
On Monday the 26th of November the senior school had an incursion about team building. Mel and Sebina showed us some activities to help us build up our teamwork! There were times that we had arguments but we had time after every activity to talk about our strengths and weaknesses and what worked for us and what didn’t work for us. Some of the activities were very challenging but we had to encourage each other to do our best. Some of the activities were in small or large groups. The best thing is that we all came out of there more confident and more friendly towards each other.
By Olivia H
Bike Ed Assessment
On Friday the 30th of November the grade 5 and 6 students had a Bike Ed assessment day to assess our skills learnt on the road. We first went out of the school and down a side street, around a roundabout and turned left onto Southern Road. We then turned down Acacia Avenue and back into the school for two laps. We also did mapping activities and finished off filming our road safety ads. At the end of the day we all got a certificate and some people won prizes for their efforts. It was so fun!
By Morgan
House Sports Day
On Friday the 6th of December the whole school had House Sports Day. At the start of the day we gathered all of the students in our houses and went to our meeting places. When we had settled in our house groups we started practising our chants. After we got everyone excited with our chants we went out and got put into our age groups and started our sports. We didn’t get to do all of it because of the heat. After that there was a sausage sizzle and ice poles. At 2:00 we played some games in our houses and then we went to the hall to find out who one. KINGS WON!!!!! Everyone did a great job!
By Lucy
In the senior school we were assigned with two major projects, making a newspaper/magazine and a project about a chosen country! The newspaper involved writing a book review, an opinion piece, an information report, a narrative, a crossword, meal recipes and their costs, a puzzle, a page about our geography project and a quiz about our country! There were also a few additional tasks to do if we had finished early! We were also asked to make a front cover! In my opinion this was a really fun and interesting project to do!
The second project was a project that involved us to use the internet along with books! We were given a page of activities that involved comparing and contrasting our chosen country with Australia and its education and lifestyle. We even had to plan a day of traditional activities for someone to do if they ever went! We also had to make detailed maps and then say what we noticed about the two! I’m pretty sure we all really enjoyed learning and making these amazing projects!
By Anni
On Tuesday the 11th of December the whole school came back at 5:00pm for the Christmas Carols. The year fives were setting up after lunch for the carols by putting up the tents and paper chains people had made to decorate the trees. We also set up the sound equipment.
When everyone came back they each did a song and one of the STOMP dances from the production. There were lots of people!
This years carols was special because it was MENTONE PARK PRIMARY SCHOOLS BIRTHDAY! MPPS turned 50 years old! We finished by singing happy birthday, having a snack and a visit from SANTA! He came and handed lollies out to the kids at school.
By Irene
Important Dates
Tuesday 11th December - Christmas Carols Evening
Thursday 13th December - Year 6 Big Day Out @ Luna Park
Tuesday 18th December - Year 6 Graduation Night
Thursday 20th December - Senior School Party and Kris Kringle
Friday 21st December - Last day of Term 4!
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Dear Parents/Guardians.
Your child has been marked as absent from school today. Can you please contact the office to notify us of the reason for this absence.
Kind Regards,
Mentone Park Primary School/Your Child's Teacher
What has been your Reading highlight this year?
I have lots of highlights in reading, my biggest was focus groups. We read Tashi and shared our thoughts about what had happened. I also liked News for Kids, a program on Google where we watched clips and answered comprehension questions. We also got to take words from our text and make crosswords for our friends.
By Liam
What has been your Writing highlight this year?
Writing a procedure for my newspaper was my highlight. My procedure was about 'How to make a souvlaki'. I chose to write about this because it is a food of my culture, I could use the knowledge from my family shop and it is also my favourite food!
By Angelo
What has been your Maths highlight this year?
My highlight of maths was the financial math project. It was a bit stressful, but now I know how much my Mum spends on our family. We had to buy healthy dinners, breakfasts and lunches for a week for our whole family from either Woolworths or Coles. We had a a maximum of $250 to spend and a minimum of $200. It was so fun and I hope we do more things like this project next year!
By Jake M
What has been your Inquiry highlight this year?
Oh inquiry! What education you give and the things that we've done together is unforgettable! From looking at Parliament, to researching Peru. But out of all the loving moments, my favourite of all is my volcanic project. My mind was filled with eruptions, smoke, magma and tectonic plates.
By Carla
Team Building