Learning and Teaching
Welcome to a busy and exciting Term 2. We have plenty of fun learning and extra curricular activities coming up that students are already looking forward to. Learning and Teaching
In year 5/6 We Are Learning To....
READING:summarise ideas and put pieces together to see them in a different way. We are also focusing on grammar and language conventions while reading this week.
WRITING:understand the structure and features of a procedural text.
MATHS:build our knowledge and skills around multiplication so we can use efficient strategies to multiply numbers correctly.
INQUIRY:investigate how the appearance and properties of different substances change when exposed to different temperatures.
Calendar Dates
- 24/4 ANZAC Ceremony 3pm
- 24/4 Interschool Sport v. Parkdale at home ground
- 24/4 X Country trials
- 29/4 JMSS Little Scientists Workshop 2
- 1/5 Passionate Pursuits begins 2pm
- 8/5 Big Green School Conference
- 12/5 13/5 14/5 NAPLAN
- 13/5 JMSS Little Scientists Workshop 3
- 17/5 Whole School Working Bee
- 18/5 Super Science Excursion
- 19/5 Italian Day
- 20/5 Maths Olympiad
- 21/5 Jump Rope for Heart
- 22/5 District X Country
- 25/5 Curriculum Day
- 27/5 JMSS Little Scientists Workshop 4
- 28/5 St Kilda Football Club In Visit 2pm
- 8/6 Queen's Birthday Public Holiday
- 16/6 Marine Ambassador Workshop 3
- 22/6 Reports go home
- 24/6 Student led Conferences
- 26/6 Last day of Term 2 - early finish 2:30pm
Current notices
After a successful introduction last term, we will continue to use Edmodo
to communicate with students and parents. We encourage you to access
Edmodo, using your parent code, to stay up to date with Year 5 and 6
communication including homework, newsletters, reminders and important
Jump Rope for Heart
Jump Rope for Heart
Please continue to collect sponsors, ready for Jump Off on the 21st of May.
A booklet outlining frequently asked questions was sent home this week for your reference.
Interschool Sport
Our Winter Interschool Sport Competition begins this week with our first match against Parkdale, at home. Please remember to bring an orange when we have a home game - starting this week!
Making News
Congratulations again to Dan, Danielle, Bella and Tristan who represented MPPS at Kingston Junior Mayor. What a wonderful job they did too! You may have heard Dan's catchy tune at Assembly...Kingston Kids' Healthy Carnival!
Daisy, Natalia, Julian and Adam have attended their first Workshop at John Monash Science school as our MPPS Little Scientists. They investigated Nano Technology by examining magic sand, sugar granules and the rate at which aspirin tablets dissolve. They are already looking forward to their next Workshop on April 29th.
Congratulations again to Dan, Danielle, Bella and Tristan who represented MPPS at Kingston Junior Mayor. What a wonderful job they did too! You may have heard Dan's catchy tune at Assembly...Kingston Kids' Healthy Carnival!
Daisy, Natalia, Julian and Adam have attended their first Workshop at John Monash Science school as our MPPS Little Scientists. They investigated Nano Technology by examining magic sand, sugar granules and the rate at which aspirin tablets dissolve. They are already looking forward to their next Workshop on April 29th.
Well done to Julian, Cody and Kiera who worked hard to earn achievement Awards this week.
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