Thursday, 24 May 2018

Senior Report - Term 2, Weeks 5-6

Senior Report - Term 2, Weeks 5-6

Simultaneous Storytime
On Monday afternoon the grade 6’s regrouped with their buddies and they read a book called Hickory Dickory Dash. In the book a mother mouse was looking for her little mouse and looked for hours during the night. Eventually she found them in a grandfather clock at 1am. After reading Hickory Dickory Dash we did an activity that was related to the book. In the activity we made a clock with our buddy that had the mice running around the clock. It was a very fun activity and you could change the time! Other schools around Australia also did this! Thanks for reading the newsletter!

Italian Day
Hi my name is Isabella and I’m going talk about Italian day. On Tuesday we did 4 rotations. My rotations were paper pizza making, paper sculptures, games in the Italian room and buildings with all sorts of stuff in the big hall. Then we went back to our class rooms to play Italian games. We ordered pizza’s & gelatis. I ordered margherita pizza. It was so yummy.
The end & thanks for reading.

Open Night
Hi, this is Maya and today I will be talking about our History Open Night on Thursday! Over the last six weeks the Senior School have been creating posters, dioramas, booklets, even a few videos on influential people from Australia’s history. Then we opened up the school for the public to have a look at our projects. We researched a person who influenced Australia’s history and made it what it is today. We had a set of questions we had to answer in our projects (like ‘what would Australia be like if your person never was a part of Australia’s history?), and they looked amazing! A lot of us did it on either Ned Kelly, Captain James Cook and Cathy Freeman, but we had many more creative ideas to show. If you came on Thursday and had a look in the Senior Building you would know what I am talking about. The projects were very detailed and took a long time to put together. I did my project on Captain James Cook! It was very interesting to find more about him! I learnt that he had 7 children with his spouse Elizabeth Batts, and was 1 of 8 children of James Cook and Grace Peace, thanks for reading!  

Sports Update
In Interschool sports we have played 3 schools so far Parktone, Saint Pats and Saint John Vianneys. At the start of the term we had to choose between 4 sports :Netball, Volley Stars, Soccer or AFL. I decided to play Volley Stars. This week we played Saint John Vianneys. Netball lost, so did Volley Stars but Footy and Soccer won! In Volley Stars we have been practising a lot at snack and lunch and we are getting much better at Volley Stars. In case you didn’t know the rules they are if the ball drops in the other teams court it's a foul.

Remember No Trash Tuesday each week! Pack a lunch with no rubbish and go in the draw for a prize.

June Dates
Curriculum Day - Friday 1st June. No students at school.
World Oceans Day - Wednesday 6th June. Pay a gold coin donation and dress up as your favourite sea creature

We have now sent home note about our upcoming Canberra Camp in Term 3 with the payment details. The due date for final payment is Friday 29th of June.

Canberra Camp Rebate Notice
Students from our school will soon be undertaking an education tour of the national capital. Students will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $30 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion. We have taken the rebate into account when calculating the final cost per student.

Hi, I’m Lua I’m going to be talking about what the Senior School have been doing in Reading this 2 past weeks. We are looking at knowing how words work.  We’ve been starting to look at metaphors, similes and idioms. Metaphors and similes can get quite confusing because they are very similar. Similes are compering things with other things that could have nothing to do with it eg. Life is like a box of chocolate you never know what you’re going to get, and metaphors are saying thing are those things eg. Life is a highway but obviously life isn’t a highway! With idioms we did an activity were we had to act out the literal meaning of the idiom which was sooo much fun.

In our class we are reading Holes, a book about a boy who gets sent to a camp for naughty boys where he digs holes for a crime he didn’t commit. There he learns about a hidden treasure. I’ve already read it when I was in grade 4 but it’s still nice to read it again, besides we are up to a really interesting bit. Mr Hardie’s class have been reading class Dismissed, which sounds like a funny book. We have Wonder and the second one of that series, Auggie and Me, which is a book about a kid with Treacher Collins Syndrome and how we must learn to look beyond our appearances.

In writing we have begun our new unit on information reports. On the first day, we picked the person, place, object or animal you were going to spend the next few weeks studying. We then looked at how you structure an information report and where you include different types of information. We will be looking at information reports even more over the next two weeks as we write about our topic.

This week in Maths we have been learning about types of graphs. We have been learning how to figure out the Mean, Mode and Median of sets of data. We have learnt Line Graphs, Dot Plot, Column Graphs, Pie Graphs and Side by Side Graphs. Some people for a challenge did Stem & Leaf Graphs. I found that the Column Graphs were the easiest and I thought the pie graphs were the hardest. Next week we are going to start a data project based on what we have been learning, which is graphs. We will have to make graphs based on sporting events.
By Arunita

Last week the senior school started another STEM project. Our challenge was to make a model car that can travel 1 whole metre. The car also has to include wheels and an axle. I made a group of 3 with 2 of my friends. We then had to make a plan for what we would make. We had write things like what we needed, what we still wanted to know and even make a sketch of what we would make. At first, we came up with a plan where we would use a fan to help push the car along. But soon we scrapped that idea because the fan would be too large. This week, we had to do some research and some detailed designs for our model car. We made some very detailed diagrams for what we will do. Then we searched up some information for the model car.
By Victoria

Open Night - Senior History Projects

Senior Artwork

Italian Day

Simultaneous Storytime

Interschool Sport

Buddies - Craft Activities

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