Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Grade 5/6 Term 1 Week 8 and 9

Grade 5/6 Term 1 Week 8 and 9


Learning and Teaching

READINGOur reading focus has been to identify the main idea of the text. Students have used facts or details in their books to support their understanding of the main idea. 

WRITING: After completing our big write sessions for narratives, the students have chosen a piece of writing they would like to develop further and publish. They have begun to edit their writing using a new editing system, which allows students to self assess. 
Leading on from 'Vinnie Vocabulary,' we have started using 'Ollie Opener' to improve and vary the start of our sentences. 

MATHS: Our focus has been on symmetry and tessellations. Students have created their own organic shapes and have used their templates to create tessellated patterns. 

Over the past 2 weeks, we have explored the Parliament of Australia in further detail. Following the curiosities of the students, we have looked at who's involved in the government, the role of the House of Representatives and the process of passing a bill. 


Interschool Sport We have two matches left for Summer Sport at the start of Term 2.
Friday 15th of April- vs. St Brigid's PS 9:30am (Away)
Friday 22nd of April- Finals

Winter Sport will start Friday 29th of April.

Achievement Awards

5/6 L
For her brilliant problem solving skills during the symmetry challenge.
Ella- For encouraging others to change their mindset when faced with challenges.

Bill- For showing great leadership skills during assembly. 

5/6 R
Amy- For always being well prepared for all learning tasks.
Danyal- For his persistence to edit and publish his Big Write.

Photos from Maths
Tessellations and Symmetry

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