Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Grade 5/6 Week 6 and 7

Grade 5/6 Term 1 Week 6 and 7


On Monday, the grade sixes took part in a 'Leadership Day' at school. Tailored for our group of 30 students, this was a special opportunity for the grade sixes to work together in team building activities and form goals for their final year at Mentone Park Primary School. The students were inspired by the stories of young leaders in our world and how they are making a difference in their society.
A special thank you to Tania Stefanec for facilitating this invaluable experience for our grade six students. 

Learning and Teaching

READING: Our reading focus has allowed students to make connections with texts. We have challenged students to look beyond the surface connections and delve deeper into making meaningful connections with their text.

WRITING: We have been exploring the features of a narrative and how WOW words can improve our writing. We have conducted two ‘Big Write’ sessions where the students have responded to the prompts in a narrative format.
Big Write sessions will be every Wednesday, so please encourage your child to complete the ‘Big Talk’ homework before Wednesday.

MATHS: Our focus has been on multiples, factors and prime numbers. We have also been working on our automatic recall of multiplication facts through timed challenges.

INQUIRY: We have introduced our inquiry topic of ‘government’ and discussed the 3 areas of government and their roles. Students have shared their questions and curiosities around the topic and we look forward to exploring them in depth in the coming weeks. 


Interschool Sport 
Friday 11th March - vs St Patrick’s PS at MPPS 9:30am
Friday 18th March vs St Mark’s PS at MPPS 9.30am

Achievement Awards

5/6 L
For completing assessment tasks with persistence and positivity.
Leah- For creating thoughtful and challenging learning goals.

Natalia- For using fantastic descriptive words in our 'My Place' activity
Daisy- For her exemplary narrative piece of writing using numerous WOW words

5/6 R

Ella- For writing a descriptive recount of her brother's formal.
Mia- For her fantastic 'Message in a bottle' BIG write with a plot no one saw coming!

Photos from the Grade 6 Leadership Day
Teamwork Activity

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