Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Senior School Newsletter week 4 and 5

Grade 5/6 Term 1 Week 4 and 5

Last week was a jam-packed week with the 5 day intense Beach Swimming Program, Interschool Sport, Tabloid Sports and Parent Teacher Interviews.
We must commend the students on their behaviour throughout the various programs and it was very pleasing to hear both Bayside Aquatics and St. John Vianney's compliment the students and their participation.

Thank you to those parents who made the time to meet with teachers regarding your children. We appreciate any information to help guide our teaching programs. If you have not yet had an interview, please contact your child's teacher via Tiqbiz or in person.

Learning and Teaching

In Year 5/6 We Are Learning To.... develop a Growth Mindset by changing our everyday language. Some examples of transitioning their thought process from a Fixed Mindset to a Growth Mindset can be seen in the following photo...

READING: We have looked at the attributes and habits of a good reader, focusing on how to choose appropriate texts. All students have been able to borrow books from the library. We have been visualising the texts we read and drawing images.
WRITING: We have been exploring the features of a recount using our memories from the holidays and beach swimming. We conducted our first Cold Write, part of the VCOP writing process, to give us our first piece of assessment.
MATHS: Our focus has been on Number and Algebra looking at Place Value. We have been completing Maths challenges and games within each grade. We have also completed a diagnostic test on Number and Operations.


We've delved deeper into the concept of Growth Mindset and drawn upon personal experiences of failure, challenges and obstacles and how we have either overcome it, are still working it out or are stuck in a fixed mindset, with suggestions to overcome it from peers.

Interschool Sport: Friday 26th Feb - Bye, Friday 4th March vs Parkdale PS at MPPS 9.30am
District Swimming: Wednesday 2nd March at Noble Park
School Photos: Thursday 25th Feb

 Achievement Awards
5/6 L- Taite McKenzie - for being a role model in our classroom expectations and Devin Verma - for being a superstar in rounders and scoring the catch of the day.

5/6S- Artemis Baxas - for her outstanding beginning to her story and Bella Freeman - for her participation and enthusiasm at beach swimming.
5/6 R- Callum Dixon - for completing an excellent Position of Responsibility application and Ella Mahoney - for her excellent recount using the five step writing process.


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